miércoles, 24 de junio de 2020

Postgraduate study

Today I'm going to talk about if I would like to take a Postgrads Studies after finish my degree in psychology.

I haven't really thought about doing postgrads studies, it's better to concentrate on the present, that is the career, and then see if there's a possibility of taking one. But if I had the opportunity in the future and the circumstances to do so, perhaps it could be some course in educational psychology because I am interested in that area of psychology and that is the one I would like to work most at the moment. Maybe in the future I'll be interested in other graduate studies, but I don't know yet.

As for whether I would like to take the studies in another country, it could be, like some country where English or Spanish is spoken, but it wouldn't be a problem here in Chile either, and in relation to the modality of study it would depend on the time that I would have available at that moment, but I think that part time would be more comfortable.

sábado, 20 de junio de 2020

About my future job

In this blog i'm gonna write about a job that i'd like to do in the furure

As a child I never really knew what my dream job was, but after finishing high school I became interested in psychology. Then I see myself working on what I'm studying, in the area of psychology.

The most important and necessary skills or qualities to be a good psychologist are to be empathetic to be able to understand in some way what other people are going through, to know how to listen, patience. It is very important to take this into consideration when trying to help people with their 

The greatest satisfaction in this job is helping other people and knowing that you have a positive influence on someone's life and this is the motivation you need to do it. I think the best reward a job can give you is to make you happy, if you have the possibility to work on something you like.

miércoles, 3 de junio de 2020


Hi! I'm gonna talk about cinema and a movie that I love it

I've always liked movies. I really enjoy getting to know new stories and characters and that transmit something to you, or make you think about it, or just have a good time watching it.

The movie genres that I like the most are thrillers and drama.  I think one of my favorite movies is Christopher Nolan's Memento (also i love many of his films). I love it because the story hooks you, it's a very thought-provoking film, and it has a unique structure because it doesn't follow the typical timeline.

The movie It's about a man who suffers from anterograde amnesia that makes him unable to keep new memories and searches for his wife's killer on his own. For that he uses photographs and tattoos that help him not to forget the clues he finds.
Even though I'm not someone who likes to repeat a movie a lot, I feel that I could watch it many times and not get bored and also always find something new in this movie.


Last year I had an English course, but for different reasons I had few classes, so I feel that I have really improved my English in the co...