miércoles, 8 de julio de 2020

Pandemic and Quarantine

Fortunately I live in a city where there are no active cases of coronavirus, therefore we have not been in quarantine all this time, however we go out only for things necessary to respect the social distance. we all try to help out around the house and accompany each other. It has been difficult to be away from our loved ones, but at least we have platforms to talk to our friends and family, which helps a lot in dealing with this quarantine context.

I think it’s a good opportunity as a society to really understand that it’s very important to overcome something like what we are living with empathy and conscience because it’s about thinking about others, not only about how it can affect you, since by respecting the hygiene and quarantine measures it’s not only to take care of yourself but to take care of all the other people.

with regard to studies at first I had some problems with the computer, but I have been able to fix them, although sometimes my signal is not very good and I have had some problems in some classes. This online mode has disorganized me and it's annoying to have to read so much on the computer, but I guess I'll get used to it because even though I try to be optimistic I think this pandemic is far from being controlled.

2 comentarios:

  1. I agree!!
    Empathy is very necessary in times of pandemic, but some people still need to understand it :(

  2. Is complicated to be organized with the online classes :(



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